Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2 Small Tips for a Healthier You!

    Exercise, exercise, every single morning you get up and do your workout for a solid hour and do it with heart and vigor. Then you get around for your day which also entails eating breakfast. You slurp down maybe a couple bowls of cocoa puffs and then grab a cereal bar on your way out the door. You then stop at your favorite fast food restaurant on your way to work and order more than just a few things from off the value menu. Of course what would you do without your favorite soda, so you stop at the quick mart and grab a couple 20ozs! Then you stop at the coffee shop to order your regular latte and then…
 I’ll stop before it can get any worse. You get the point. Many people feel like they workout out and exercise to the like of their new gym or DVD program that came thru the mail, but to no avail, the weight just simply won’t come off!! I know you pain and can relate! For months I worked out and every week the scale stayed the same if not worse. Why? Because like the person I illustrated earlier, my eating habits weren’t living up to my exercise regimen. At most meals I would have 2-3 portions of food and at least 4-5 desserts each week. No wonder the scale was never in my favor! I was getting very discouraged. Until I had a talk with my dad and he offered me a few tips for weight loss that are so simple and don’t require food manuals or packages sent to your door!! The 1st tip is limiting your portions at meal time to one portion per dish. We would have spaghetti some nights and having only one serving of spaghetti and one breadstick really killed me, but as I did it more and more it got a lot easier! The 2nd tip is only one dessert a week. You might be thinking, One dessert a week!! Sounds impossible! It’s not, because not only have I done that tip many times but I’ve had 4 weeks throughout my weight loss where I haven’t had any desserts or sweets at all. It was brutal! The more you do it though it does get easier! Get the idea! J I can promise that! When I instituted these two health tips into my life, I slowly started to see the weight come off. I was so motivated to keep going that some weeks I would not have any soda and would eat veggies for a snack! Shock! J
I do also have to say that for a good solid two months I did a shake diet called Slim-Fast. It was a huge help in my weight loss and really make me realize that you don’t need certain foods every day to survive. Even though it helped me lose quite a bit of weight, I didn’t use it the whole time. In my opinion, if someone tries to lose weight and stays on programs like that the whole diet, once you get off of it, you don’t know what’s good and bad to eat. It was a huge benefit in pushing me to lose, but I wouldn’t recommend staying on it the whole diet.
 As I instituted these tips into my life as well as the short time that I was on Slim-Fast, I consistently every week saw 2-3 pounds come off, but some weeks I stayed the same, which by the way got very frustrating at times. Since March 20th 2012, I have seen 45 pounds come off and am working toward my goal weight to lose 15 more by January to lose, in total, 60 pounds. It’s been quite a journey but it’s paid off in more ways than one. I’ve been able to run faster and not have to stop as much, and doing pushups is a lot easier! J
Who would have imagined that these 2 simple tips could revolutionize the way you look at food?! It does! I’ve taught myself live to eat to live not live to eat and now I don’t crave certain foods I used too and look in the fridge 24/7 for something to slide down!  This is a total dream come true of mine and it can be for you as well, if you purpose in your heart to do it and never look back.

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